Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sajtos tejfölös lángos

This is an another local speciality like the túrós rétes was some tine ago. It's called sajtos tejfölös lángos, it's a lángos with tejföl and grated cheese (sajt) on it. It was very tasty. :o)


Kris McCracken said...

I wish that you could get these here in Tasmania, I LOVE Hungarian food, but it involves making it every time. If only someone would open up a restaurant, I’d be there at least once a week!

Thanks for the photo (although it’s left my tummy rumbling).

Anonymous said...

it's so easy to make-you even can used an ordinary pizza dough from the store, just cut it, pull it out for shape and deep fried in a taller bowl...the rest of it -your taste, eat with garlic, or cheese, or like Obama, with chocolate..